26 May From SAHM to Mompreneur: 3 Tips to Help You Thrive
Written by Leslie Campos of WellParents.com for East + Sunset
What do you get when you mix a stay-at-home mom with a home business? You get yourself a serious boss babe! Moms know what it takes to hustle, stay organized, and manage a million tasks all at once, so making the leap into business shouldn’t be a stretch.
That doesn’t mean that motivated mamas have to figure it out all on their own! We’ve got a few helpful tips and small business success secrets to help you get started without all of the stress.
1. Work on The Basics First
We know you’re ready to start bringing home the bacon, but first, you need to get your business nice and organized. Start with a plan and the right entity, such as a limited liability company aka LLC. You can file your LLC paperwork online in between diaper changes and feedings, or whatever other responsibilities you have on your plate.
Not to mention that by using online tools to write your business plan and set up your LLC, you can save some serious cash. That’s extra funding you can put right back into your business.
By the way, if you’re still looking for startup funds, there are quite a few ways to secure it. You could self-fund, which is what many entrepreneurs do, or you could look for help from loans, grants, crowdfunding or even investors. It all depends on your business needs and scope.
Then Start Building Your Brand
Now you may be wondering “what is my brand?” and that’s perfectly fine. Your brand is honestly you, but it’s also your business. Really it should be a mixture of both where people get to see a peek behind the curtain of your personal life while regarding your business as an authority in your segment. So if you’re a SAHM, use that role and experience to help shape your brand!
Since branding is so important for new businesses, it may also be worthwhile to hire an experienced consulting agency, like East + Sunset. That way you know you won’t be settling for anything less than the best, and that you won’t have to deal with bad design.
East + Sunset can also ensure that your logos and other marketing materials are all in sync with your brand. While your logo may seem like a tiny and insignificant detail, it’s actually what will help set your business apart from the competition and create recognition with consumers.
Finally, Make Yourself a Priority
We’ve all heard the sayings: “you can’t pour from an empty cup” or “you can’t run on an empty tank.” We know, we know. These sage bits of wisdom can sound cliche but they’re also absolutely true. Especially for busy moms who are also looking to take on a business. The fact is, you need to practice self-care to thrive as a SAHM and entrepreneur.
You’re so used to taking care of others first but you also need to make time to take care of yourself. In between all of that hustling, try to include some basic but essential self-care in your routine — like saying “no,” journaling, and doing nothing. Remember, small steps can really add up! So, even if you can only squeeze in a few minutes of self-care, that’s totally okay.
Also, know that asking for help isn’t a sign of failure or weakness. It’s a very healthy habit for both moms and business owners and can save you so much stress. If your schedule gets out of control, don’t be afraid to ask for help from a partner or family, or even to hire help.
Moms run the world, so there’s no reason why you can’t also run a successful business of your own! If you need to build your confidence, spend some time listing all of the skills you use every single day as a SAHM. You’d be surprised at how many translate into professional talents. Then combine that list with the tips above, and you’ll be on your way to thriving as a mompreneur.
East + Sunset doesn’t want you to suffer from bad design. We can help with branding, graphic design, and web design for your business. Get in touch with us today!
Photo Credit: Pexels
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